Lesson Plans

40 minutes

- In their smaller groups, the Tutor asks learners to build on the problem they identified, and to choose one of the problem-solving activities from PowerPoint slide 14 to plan for possible solutions/strategies to overcome the problem.

- After 15 minutes, the Tutor asks the group to stop this activity and to choose a second problem-solving technique from the list presented in the PowerPoint Presentation and to apply this technique to their identified problem.

- After 15 minutes, the Tutor brings the whole group back together and asks learners to describe:

a)    Which problem-solving techniques they chose?;

b)    Why they chose these techniques?;

c)     Did they notice that one technique was easier to use/more suitable than the other?

Pens and note-taking materials for learners; Projector and Screen; PowerPoint Slide; Flipchart and markers to record feedback.